Our Mission Statement

Advocate Media is dedicated to providing free, hyperlocal news

Advocate Media is dedicated to providing free, hyperlocal news that helps neighbors make informed civic and personal decisions. By providing targeted publications for neighborhoods city-wide and without charge to the widest readership possible — without regard for income, race or status — we democratize our city and ensure all communities have a seat at the table. As a nonprofit, we now rely on nosey neighbors like you!

Our story

More than 31 years ago, a few Dallas residents wanted to talk with neighbors — without regard to income, race or economic status — about the things happening around us in an unbiased, helpful and informative manner. We began in a guest bedroom and an attic without air-conditioning. We distributed door-to-door at night after finishing our full-time jobs and tucking our kids into bed. And we asked readers to send us story ideas about everything from school events to business openings to concerning city issues.

That first monthly newspaper became five glossy print magazines covering Lakewood/East Dallas, Oak Cliff, Preston Hollow, Lake Highlands and Plano — each with companion opt-in email lists along with web and social media sites.

Our mission remains the same: Provide free, local news to everyone who cares about our neighborhoods.

Our hope: Read our publications, and learn something about our neighborhoods, our neighbors and ourselves.

Our Staff

Say ‘Hello!’ to the friendly folks working hard behind scenes of the Advocate.

Jehadu Abshiro
Jehadu AbshiroPresident/Publisher
Rick Wamre
Rick WamreChief Revenue Officer
Alessandra Quintero
Alessandra QuinteroChief Operating Officer
Autumn Grisby
Autumn Grisby Digital Marketing & Analytics
Jynnette Neal
Jynnette NealSenior Art Director
Sally Wamre
Sally WamreContent Marketing Editor
Lauren Allen
Lauren AllenArt Director
Emma Ruby
Emma RubyOak Cliff Editor
Alyssa High
Alyssa HighEditor
Lillian Juarez
Lillian JuarezEast Dallas Editor
Kelsey Shoemaker
Kelsey ShoemakerPreston Hollow Editor
Simon Pruitt
Simon PruittEditorial Assistant
Carol Toler
Carol TolerContributing Editor
Sam Gillespie
Sam GillespiePolitical & Real Estate Editor
Michele Paulda
Michele PauldaAccount Manager
Prio Berger
Prio BergerAccount Manager
Catherine Pate
Catherine PateAdvertising Consultant
Frank McClendon
Frank McClendonAccount Manager
Linda Kenney
Linda KenneyAccount Manager
Brandon Rodriguez
Brandon RodriguezAccount Manager

Ways to Support The Advocate

After 30 years as a neighbor-owned small business, we acknowledged reality — the local news business is only marginally profitable, so why not become an IRS-recognized 501(c)3 non-profit?
In July 2021, we did.
You can receive a federal tax deduction AND help us provide free, local news to everyone who cares about our neighborhood.
We spend about $100 annually per print reader to provide unbiased, 100% local news and information.
Will you help us cover this cost?
Here’s how:


More than 500,000 readers engage with Advocate digital, social and print brands monthly. Most are established homeowners in our cities’ best neighborhoods. More than half of our readers are between 35-55, and 84% say they want to spend their money locally.
Each year, we help more than 400 local businesses grow their revenues — we concept, design and execute digital, print & search campaigns at no extra cost.
The marketing campaigns we create have brought together local consumers with local businesses for the past 31 years.
Shouldn’t your business talk to these these loyal, engaged Advocate readers who want to know more about neighborhood businesses and restaurants?